Okay okay…. Let’s put aside political talks for a while and talk about what I did instead during the 3 – days weekend. Our rehearsal kicks off on Friday as early as 10 a.m.
Since we’ve came prepared and the piece for us was easy for the show, we usually get our things done quick and sleek – just to avoid from the hot afternoon’s burning sun. However for some people, it’s just a pity to look at… ( thanks to the director for her great planning….Anyway, I think she gets to be excused since that’s her first massive event as director ) . But, what makes me thrill as a Hands Trainee is because i get to try their latest costume with cool-warrior-like-make ups !!!
Besides that I get to catch my sight up close on “Guang Liang” ( Famous Malaysian Chinese singer throughout Asia) and listen to one of his new released song. I also had to walk to walk to the highest row of seats in the stadium just to get all the tables for the gala dinner to fit into my picture.
So, the first show on Saturday was a show for politic speeches from high profiles such as our Prime Minister Pak Lah, and MCA president Datuk seri Ong Ka Ting together with a crowd audience of 10,000 people attending the gala dinner concert and 30,000 (maybe more…) attended the latter show held on Sunday and the view was spectacular.
After the show, more pictures were taken at the canopy site.
As usual, being a percussionist always attract public attention too. Haha....So, that's all from me guys.
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