This blog i'm about to tell you is about my experience on dealing with thugs when you're involved in accidents and makes me recall back movies like the "Young and Dangerous" ( Acted by Ekin Cheng ) where you get to see how is it like to be in the other world works actively as the moon rises in the hustle city of KL, where illegal becomes legal under the jurisdiction of the one-eye-close-as-long-i-get-my-money authorities, and you'll often get to hear from your mums calling these people as bad guys or should we say thugs which is a more familiar term used in the daily papers we read.... Without further a due.... the story all started on last wednesday (end of August) nite 45 mins before midnite as i was on my way driving home, a jeep came in from a U-turn junction rammed into my car....So, i came out from my car and tried to settle with him....
Note: to make the story much more juicy... i intend not to tell you the story but type the whole of our conversation. By the way the conversation was in mandarin and cantonese.....
Me: Wa..... How you drive ar....? u didn't see i was coming meh...?
Thug Ko : i switched my signal light already ma......
Me: You cannot say like that.... even if you switched signal light also can't simply go in to people's lane 1... must see first....
Thug ko: i'm not at fault here.....
(At this point , my brain tells me this guy wants to bully me already....)
Me: u came in from the U-turn junction and i was from the main road....By law, you are at fault.....
Thug Ko : i dun care.... i'm not at are....
( This guy really want to bully me..... ok ....)
Me: Fine, there are 2 ways of solving this, 1 is to settle it here and the other is to lodge a police report.... Since, i'm not wrong and you're not admitting that you're at fault, we'll let the police decide loo.....
Thug ko: No no no no ...... we settle it here..... what the h**l you say me wrong here... you
mailto:!@#$@!!#Me: Then what you want me to do...? you rammed into my car and now you're trying it's my fault....
Thug ko : oh .... i'm wrong now .... ok....
( then, thug ko took out his phone calling his friend....)
(after listening to that phone conversation, i was a little scared already but try not to reveal it to him)
Me : wei..... you don't have to do this....
(when he was blah blah blah + ing.... i went to take my keys )
Me: (blurred for a while...) why should i run?
( After that,Thug ko was making some calls again.... i pulled back a distance and called my sis not to come over and try to call my cousin who is staying near by)
Thug Ko : ( still on the phone) 1!~`<>#$^&*
( Then, make a turn let my back facing him.... and made a 999 phone call)
999 women: Hello....
Me: Polis ke...? Saya sekarang dekat bulatan yulek, ada orang tadi langgar saya sekarang tak mahu settle. Lepas itu, dia call kawan kawan dia suruh bawa parang la, pisau la, spana la nak pukul saya, nak BUNUH saya....Boleh cepat hantar bantuan tak.....? cepat ye...
999 women: Nama kamu siapa?
Me : Abraham Moses, You boleh cepat hantar orang tak.....saya tak boleh cakap lama ni.... nanti dia tahu....
( then she made me crazy by saying....)
999 women : okok .... saya suruh pegawai bertugas cakap dengan kamu..... you tunggu kejap ye....
(the phone played some background music... and my life is at stake here....OMG !!!! but a few seconds later)
999 Man: Siapa call nih...?
Me: ( what the f**k !) Saya ialah Abraham ... tadi dah cakap semua dekat perempuan tadi..... U BOLEH HANTAR ORANG DULU TAK !!!? NANTI SAYA BAGI SEMUA MAKLUMAT SAYA LAH.... NYAWA SAYA TENGAH DIPERTARUHKAN NI.....
(then the 999 Man was saying something but i didn't catch it.... because i was looking back at Thug Ko)
Me: Cepat cepat hantar polis sini yer.....
999 Man: okok, you kat mana lagi....
Me: ( ai .... pengsan...i'll die lo when you come...) yulek.... dekat bulatan cheras MRR2 tu....CEPAT !
(Switched off the phone and walked back to the site... but kept a few steps from him... Thug Ko was still on the phone at that time... At the end of his call.....)
Thug Ko: ..... where are you now? faster la... i want to kick his a** already....
(after finishing his call...)
Thug Ko:(spoke with arrogant) HUH.... YOU BETTER CALL THE POLICE ...?
(kept my worry look in front of him while my heart saying: Called already loo smart a** .... )
Me : wei.... Why you want to settle it like this ? If anything happen to me.... you will be in a bigger trouble you know....?
Thug Ko : So whose fault now...?
Me: (that's a weird response... guessed he want to know whether he had put me into submission....) Of course you la........
Thug Ko: Oh my fault ar..... You die .... i'll tell you.... die....
Me: Abo then? How can i say it's my fault when you're the one whose raming into me... ?
Thug Ko : So, whose fault now....?
Me: ( not again.....) Brother, if you say it's my fault.... how can my door hit your front part of your jeep ar...?
Thug Ko : So my fault la.... ok ok.... my fault.....u wait....
(so, along the conversation he kept push me to admit that it was my fault.... The questions u see that was repeating.... was what he kept saying for 15 mins while me trying to defend myself...the responses i made above was the 1 that i remembered....)
( Then, his friends came first....3 person with 2 cars... 1 parked behind Thug ko's car the other in front of mine....going to be surrounded by them)
Me: ( Holy S**T ! i was preparing to run to the road facing my back if Thug Ko comes and attack) I only want to settle this the right way........
Thug Ko : what settle settle..... ? i'll settle with you now ......
(As i was about to run when Thug ko was about to come at me.... his two friends came from the back stopped him and calm him down... )
Friend 1: wei.... sorry la bro... my friend here is like that 1 when he's drunk....
Me: (phew..... that was a, it's my turn to be the loud guy....) AIYO, YOUR FRIEND AR.... HIT MY CAR WANT ME TO PAY.... WHEN I HEARD HE CALL YOU ALL BRING TOOLS , HE MADE ME SCARED LE....
friend 1: Really sorry la... nvm.... i help you kaotim everything....what is your num?
Me: 013*******
( then he called me...after that another friend of his approached me... he was a big size indian like a bouncer...)
Friend2 : What happen?
Me: This guy hit me on the side then dun want to settle and threatens to kill me.....
Me: are you a police?
Friend 2: no la....i'm his friend..... he's a little high today.... we'd just finish our anniversary only.....
Me:( you expect me to believe that? but, nvm you guys saved me anyway...) Wa.... why your friend like that 1 ar..... sikit sikit mahu pukul ....
( While Thog Ko was on the other side with his friend tried to control him...)
Thog Ko: You say what ??? you come here.... ( and some broken english that i dun understand...)
Me: (why should i ...? ) So how now....?
Friend 2: I'll give you my phone no. I'll settle all of this for you....
( a while later, the police came....knew it already... wait for them will die.... )
Police1: Siapa yang call 999 tadi..?
Me : Saya. Nama saya Abraham....( and took the opportunity to hit back on Thug Ko) dan laki itu yang cakap nak panggil kawan pukul saya.... tapi nasib baik kawan dia bukan macam itu..... (haha, must bodek sikit.... because i think their background was at least similar if they were friends......)
Friend2 : Tak ada hal punya la.... hari ini dia high high sikit.....ada anniversary tadi...
Police1 : har...? high high ar...? kalau macam tu.... kena tiup lo....
(FYI, not tipu belon ar.... it's a tool to measure alcohol levels)
>>Then, i was asked to get his plat no and lodge a report.... but after lodging the report i was approached by the indian friend to asked me to cancel the report and he'll settle all the damages and loss charges for me... then, i agreed to not follow up with the police report (since i only made it as a record) if they're willing to settle everything for me..... The next day when i met him after sending my car, i asked him to give me a lift home and did some digging.... Apparently , i found out this indian guy is a middle man of his boss in settling "problems" ( mine would be 1 of them) and loan sharking was part of their business.... ( How did i know that? Actually he was reluctant to tell me when i ask what sort of business they're doing.... He instead answered "security" as his profession. So, i then said... " wa, security also can drive merz ar....? u must be a big security guy..." and laughed together with him...." When i was about to reach my house, he said if you need loan can call me la..." And i replied " oh.... Ah long la.... " And he responsed " and now i look like a pimp to you also la" and we laughed again.....
These type of people sometimes helps a lot when you're in trouble with people from their world... And as i collected my car today, he ended his call by saying " keep in touch la.... if you have any problem and need my help can call me...." Don't know whether he was sincere about that......?