Boss is giving me more responsibilities which indicates that i'll be playing key roles in the company in the future.... Practices in Hands percussions had also increased due to concert will be coming soon on this july.... Businesses is growing steadily everyday.... And i had also started a rebuilding programme for my old school in drums.... Sigh~ Been working 24/7 ever since...
Went back to Kuala Terengganu last labour day to see my mom and old school friends, another issue came up.... When i'm back to kt , we use to go chat together just to catch up what we've missed. Mom used to be the curious one .... she likes to dig everything out from me. Even when i somehow declined to answer to her questions, she will just change the topic a while and asked me back again..... Then, i would be like , " Oh , man....."
Back to the issue i mentioned, She finally popped up my "phobia" question - which i've expected to happen .... It all started when i was having lunch at home....
Mom : Where were you whole day yesterday....?
Hamkor: Told u liao ma.... today at school teaching drums....
Mom: No wonder you come back la... come back not visit me but play your drum only....
Hamkor: Don't say like that.... I only teach them for 1 day only....and after all i still have 3 more days of leave.... So, by coming back i can kill two birds with one stone ma....
Mom : oh ~
Hamkor: (phew~)
Mom: You so keng ar...? Stay at KL so long already still got people know you play drum in school ar....
Hamkor : Well, what can i say... ( sarcastically laughed for a while...) No la....i met them at KLPac , we chit chatted a little bit and they asked me if i was willing to teach them again... Looking at their eyes, i can't just abandon them like that.
Mom : Ai ~ always want to make yourself so busy dun know for what....
Hamkor : (could only smiled.....)
Mom : Wei ... you still haven't got girlfriend ar....? Ah girl (that's my sis) got 2nd bf liao lo ... u still haven't find 1 meh...?
Hamkor: (choked... chocked for a while ) Can we PLEASE skip this topic.....? I can handle myself.... And I'm so busy.....
Mom: ( Noded her head...) So, how's the food ...? I simply cook only .....
Hamkor: Everything is nice when you're hungry.
Mom: ( smiled and say...) You know ar....that day Godmother ask when she can be "nai nai" le...?
Hamkor : is it...? Ask ah girl to kahwin la....!
Mom : ( Laughed a little bit because she knows that i know what was she going to say...) Then , when is your turn...?
Hamkor: ( Need to say something that can conclude this topic) Dun worry la.... I'm going out with a lot of women and i just got them shortlisted only...
Mom: No wonder la no girlfriend ! Go out with so many girls how can have a serious girlfriend le... bla bla bla ( you don't have to know the rest .... it was a LONG speech even i also forgotten what she said...)
Hamkor: ( oh shit....!) Aiya.... I still haven't found the ONE la.... Even if i found her,but if she dislikes me, i also "bo bian" have to find another 1.... and 1 more thing your son not lengchai le...What happened ....?
Mom: Hey, your face kira okey already le... Not bad la... still got attraction ....
Hamkor: You just say that to console me che......
Mom: Hey, i got a friend now doing teacher training here and she's from KL le...
Hamkor: ( Oh God, Please help me....) Ohhhh .... So this your plan .....?!! But, I dun believe in distanced relationship le....
Mom: Tomoro when you come to church , i'll introduce you to her .... You guys be friends first lo....
Hamkor : ( want meh...? A while later, my phone rang) Aiyo... i need to go out liao.... Woody is wants to bring me out to Kenyir....
Mom: You better come to church tomoro ar .....
Hamkor: ahhh.... we'll see how it goes la.... Bye !
Mom: ( with a low tonned voice) Always like that ....
End of Another Hamkor's Secrets.....
I love my mom a lot for her being so over-caring and her try-to-be-cunning-but-cannot ways to put me into submission.... and guess what, the meeting didn't turned bad after all...